# Release Notes ## Underground Manager 1.55.1 2021-03-05 ### General Fixes - Fixed Boomer MWD holes having incorrect hole length after importing .mwd-files ## Underground Manager 1.55 2021-03-01 ### Site 3D View Improvements - MWD color settings are now respected in 3D view and in slicing view - Added **Detail View**, allowing analysis of data for a specific round - **Tunnel Slicing** - MWD slicing settings used when picturing MWD data - Added multi-file-select in the log import dialog - Added support for importing Beaver profile logs (.lg5) ## Underground Manager 1.54 2021-02-12 ### Site 3D View Improvements - Quality logs kan now be imported from the 3D view toolbar ### General Fixes - Fixed crash that happened sometimes when opening the tunnel line import dialog - Fixed invalid curve rotations for tunnels imported from LandXML - Fixed problem with faulty section numbers when pasting them into the section table, working in 2D section evaluation mode ## Underground Manager 1.53 2021-01-21 ### General Improvements - Site view windows open much faster Fixes - Fixed crash when importing large tunnels in LandXML format - Fixed problem with some files not being imported when syncing RRA files - Profile scans in xyz format get the current date when imported - Fixed crash when syncing RRA folder containing invalid xml files - Simba MWD logs are assured to be sorted by section number - Fixed problem with long lists of release notes being cut off in the news tab - Fix point date set to current date if not specified when importing fix point files ## Underground Manager 1.52.1 2020-12-09 ### General Fixes - **Drill Plan Editor** - Possible to set lookout and direction for multiple holes at once ## Underground Manager 1.52 2020-10-20 ### Site 3D View Improvements - **Tunnel Summary** - User gets noticed and can refresh the view whenever new data is available - Prevented import of duplicate xyz scan files - Profile scans show up immediately after import (no refresh needed) Fixes - Fixed view freeze when loading long tunnels - Fixed occasional problems starting the site 3D view - **CAD Import** - Fixed problem opening some dxf files ### General Improvements - **Round Log View** - Log information box compressed so that more information is visible - UM client direct download link in the news tab and in the check-for-updates dialog Fixes - **Site Properties Dialog** - Fixed problem with the coordinate system being chopped off on some computer screens - Showing number of points for imported xyz scans ## Underground Manager 1.51 2020-09-28 ### Site 3D View Improvements - Import of Faro xyz-files - Profile scans visualized in color if present - Profile scans show up one by one when a tunnel loads - When a tunnel is removed it is immediately reflected in the 3D view - Imported rounds immediately show up in the 3D view - Added graphical section span selection - Tunnel summary loads instantly after it has been opened once Fixes - Fixed bug with tunnel line sometimes not appearing as it should - Fixed problem with other tunnel lines sometimes not being visible in overview mode after a new tunnel was created ### General Improvements - Added dialog for enabling or disabling file types in the import dialog ## Underground Manager 1.50 2020-09-03 ### Site 3D View Improvements - **Site Report** - Added advance rate per machine type - Profiled sections shown in overview - Bolted sections shown in overview - Tunnels added in the tree view are immediately displayed in the 3D view - Added popup informing that a new tunnel was created Fixes - No longer possible to select an invalid tunnel range - Fixed tunnels being clipped at a far distance ### General Improvements - **Drill Plan Editor** - Added individual hole charge information to charge report - **Drill Plan Editor** - Possibility to remove the connection between two surface delay blocks Fixes - Fixed crash when selecting end section in MWD slicing view - Tunnels created under an area or level get two default coordinates ## Underground Manager 1.49 2020-08-13 ### Site 3D View Improvements - Level and area added to tunnel names in tunnel selection dropdown - Toolbars redesigned - Improved zoom sensitivity - Tunnel completed percentage displayed only in analysis mode - **Tunnel Summary** - Date cells in spreadsheet report are formatted as dates instead of plain text Fixes - Fixed problem with text boxes becoming unresponsive after an error message was displayed - **CAD Import** - Fixed problem with long drill plan names being truncated ### General Improvements - **Drill Plan Editor** - Added "pick list" to charge report - **Drill Plan Editor** - Added firing report containing the delay table Fixes - Fixed crash when closing application after connection to Team Server was lost - Fixed crash in MWD view for logs containing sample sets with non-increasing depth - Prevented import of MWD logs contaning sample sets with non-increasing depth - Fixed occasional problem with values not being saved properly when editing the fix point table ## Underground Manager 1.48 2020-07-01 ### Site 3D View Improvements - **Site Report** - Added average advance rate - **Site Report** - Added holes drilled, meters per hole type and time spent drilling by hole type - **Tunnel Summary** - Added time spent drilling by hole type - **Tunnel Summary** - Hole summary presented on a separate sheet in spread sheet report ### General Improvements - Removed direction and origin columns from fix point table Fixes - Prevented selecting rig of the wrong family in the drill plan editor ## Underground Manager 1.47 2020-06-15 ### Site 3D View Improvements - Tunnel summary can be saved to xlsx document - Added site report ### General Improvements - **Drill Plan Editor** - Hole end points snap to help lines - **Drill Plan Editor** - Added check boxes for locking hole start and end points - **Drill Plan Editor** - Added possibility to adjust hole lengths by a given length - Accepting id column when importing fix point file templates - Application signed with Epiroc certificate ## Underground Manager 1.46 2020-05-18 ### Site 3D View Improvements - **CAD Import** - Added "fit to screen" button to the 3D preview Fixes - Improved camera smoothness when following a tunnel line - MWD data properly cleared when updating after a new interval was selected ### General Fixes - Iredes MWD files of version 1.2AC can now be imported - **Section Table** - Unique contour names are guaranteed when interpolating contours - **Section Table** - It is now possible to delete left/right width - **Section Table** - It is no longer possible to enter an invalid number when interpolating a new section - Fixed crash when importing fix point file templates without the name column specified - Fixed crash when copying tunnels ## Underground Manager 1.45 2020-04-25 ### Site 3D View Improvements - Site view now works together with Team Server - Dialogs can be closed using ESC button - Upon loading a site, the view is adjusted to fit the entire site - Added button in overview mode for resetting the view back to original perspective - Fix points visualized for selected tunnel in planning mode - **Bolt Report** - The start point indicator no longer resizes depending on angle deviation tolerance - **CAD Import** - Added support for "Line" CAD entities - **CAD Import** - Names of tunnel and drill plans are defaulted to the layer name - **CAD Import** - Added hint that a tunnel must be selected to import the model - **CAD Import** - Drill plan selection redesigned Fixes - Drilled sections are visible again in overview mode - Fixed issue with contour filter being inverted - **Bolt Report** - Fixed issue where bolts not showing correctly if tunnel was drilled in reverse ## Underground Manager 1.44 2020-03-30 Improvements - [Site 3D view] Added button for resetting the zoom and position in tunnel slicing view - [Site 3D view] Added loading indicator when moving to new slices in tunnel slicing view - [Site 3D view] Added filters to tunnel slicing view - [Site 3D view] Under- and overbreak areas visualized in tunnel slicing view - [Site 3D view] Adjusted under-/overbreak and actual volume computations - [Site 3D view] Importing a tunnel line from CAD no longer causes entire site to reload - [Site 3D view] Changed font in entire site 3D view Fixes - Fixed problem with not being able to delete newly added tunnel extensions in tunnel definition table - Importing tunnel line file templates with descending sections now works as expected ## Underground Manager 1.43 2020-03-16 Improvements - [Site 3D view] Added zooming and panning to slicing view - [Site 3D view] Improved visualization of MWD holes in slicing view - [Site 3D view] Added planned, over- and underbreak volumes to summary tab in slicing view - [Site 3D view] Entire view split in analysis/planning mode ## Underground Manager 1.42 2020-02-27 Improvements - [Site 3D view] Added support for moving between slices in slicing view - [Site 3D view] MWD holes shown in slicing view - [Site 3D view] Improved control when moving around in overview mode Fixes - [Site 3D view] Corrected estimated time to completion in tunnel summary - [Site 3D view] Fixed problem with fraction of tunnel completed showing values outside the range 0 - 100 % - [Site 3D view] Improved number editing in text boxes - [Site 3D view] Fixed problem with tunnel data not always being cleared when switching tunnels - [Site 3D view] Prevented entering of invalid section numbers in the section range selection control - Cancelling import of a sitx file now cancels import of remaining files as well - Fixed crash when importing large sitx files in Team Server mode ## Underground Manager 1.41 2020-01-19 Improvements - [Site 3D view] Added MWD to slicing view - [Site 3D view] Added actual volume estimate for the given section interval to slicing view - [Site 3D view] Added estimated time to completion to tunnel summary - [Site 3D view] All dialogs now have the same look-and-feel Fixes - [Site 3D view] Fixed loading of sites containing "empty" contours - Fixed crash when trying to import drill plans using file templates without hole numbers - Grouting feature is now a part of the UM Pro and MWD license - Reduced memory usage when importing sitx files (should fix any out-of-memory crashes when importing large files) ## Underground Manager 1.40 2019-12-04 Improvements - [Site 3D view] Support for multiple drillplans when importing tunnel from CAD file - [Site 3D view] Tunnel direction displayed in CAD import preview - [Site 3D view] Added possibility to reverse the tunnel direction when importing from CAD - [Site 3D view] Added tooltips for filter buttons - [Site 3D view] Added tunnel slice view for displaying aggregated data at the face of a given section. Currently only the contour and profile can be seen Fixes - Fixed problem with deleting tunnels containing invalid data - Deleting data now works much faster - In round log view, the drilling direction can be reversed so that the planned contour matches the holes - Fixed crash when repeatedly clicking OK button in fix point view - Fixed crash when trying to edit file templates of certain encodings ## Underground Manager 1.39 2019-11-05 Improvements - [Site 3D view] Added initial support for importing drill plans along with a tunnel line from CAD files. For now it is only possible to select a single drill plan. - [Site 3D view] Language settings persisted between sessions Fixes - Refresh button in tunnel graph view now works as expected ## Underground Manager 1.38 2019-10-16 Improvements - [Site 3D view] Added initial support for importing CAD files (.dxf). Currently, only tunnel lines can be imported - [Site 3D view] Added support for showing Simba MWD data - [Site 3D view] MWD volume is adjusted depending on available data - [Site 3D view] Added average pull length and advance rate to tunnel summary - [Site 3D view] Last view position and range selection recalled when selecting a tunnel Fixes - Fixed crash when entering negative sign in contour editor - [Site 3D view] Tunnel data loading speed improvements - [Site 3D view] Fixed failure by preventing tunnels from being selected before a site has finished loading - Fixed crash when importing file template contours - Fixed problem with validating laser lines pointing in opposite direction of the tunnel - Fixed crash when importing Iredes tunnels not specifying "PointDepth" - Fixed crash when importing template file tunnels with camber specified ## Underground Manager 1.37 2019-09-16 Improvements - [Site 3D view] Added language select setting (currently supported languages are English and Swedish) - [Site 3D view] In bolt report, projected bolt holes are centered around the tunnel line - [Site 3D view] In bolt report, the hole line indicators are normalized, and the size of the circle around the start point represents the angle deviation tolerance for easier inspection - [Site 3D view] Added initial support for showing Boomer MWD data - [Site 3D view] Added average round cycle time to tunnel report - [Site 3D view] Added markers for selected section range for increased clarity Fixes - Correct settings for selected MWD parameter shown when opening the MWD 3D view - Fixed slow RRA synchronization of data to MWD heavy sites - [Site 3D view] Fixed tunnel completion estimate to always be a future date ## Underground Manager 1.36 2019-08-22 Improvements - Drill plans are now synched from RRA structure - When importing drill plans using file templates, the drill plan name will be derived from the file name (before the plan would simply be called "Imported") - [Site 3D view] Added icons to filter buttons - [Site 3D view] Added bolt report for selected tunnel - [Site 3D view] Added possibility to specify a section range on a tunnel (currently only affects the bolt report) - [Site 3D view] Added filter for planned contours Fixes - Fixed problem with pasting columns into the contour editor grid - Fixed problem with contour reference point not being set correctly when selecting a row in the contour editor data grid - Fixed problem with drill plan not showing properly in the MWG view - [Site 3D view] Fixed bug with data showing up on wrong locations when selecting a tunnel before the whole site is loaded - [Site 3D view] Fixed positioning of planned contours ## Underground Manager 1.35 2019-06-11 Improvements - From now on, all tunnels must have length zero or greater, which means that the tunnel definition must contain at least two distinct coordinates - [Site 3D view] Section numbers are printed evenly distributed on a ruler outside the tunnel - [Site 3D view] Drilled sections are indicated by green contours in overview mode - [Site 3D view] Improved data loading times - [Site 3D view] Client settings are stored between sessions - [Site 3D view] Added completion estimation to tunnel summary Fixes - Fixed crash when entering negative numbers in the contour table - Fixed crash when trying to interpolate between standard contours - Fixed crash when trying to import a file that is opened in another application - Fixed non-working validation in tunnel definition table - Numbers pasted into the tunnel definition table may now have any decimal separator ## Underground Manager 1.34 2019-05-20 Improvements - Added support for profile log (\*.lg5) synchronization - Added "extend tunnel line" feature to tunnel definition view - [Site 3D view] Showing estimated percentage drilled of the selected tunnel - [Site 3D view] Added tunnel statistics summary for selected tunnel - [Site 3D view] Application adjusted to window size Fixes - All hole type categories shown in round log report - Fixed occasional crash after deleting tunnel line coordinate after modifying start section ## Underground Manager 1.33 2019-05-03 Improvements - Enabled copy-paste in tunnel definition table. The format should be tab separated X Y Z when pasting - Added support for MWD files in RRA synchronization - More fine grained statuses of file import when using the RRA synchronization - [Site 3D view] Improved performance for big sites - [Site 3D view] Added slider for easier navigation in tunnel - [Site 3D view] Show text when tunnel is loading on tunnel selection - [Site 3D view] Enlighten and show tunnel name when hovering over a tunnel - [Site 3D view] Select tunnel by double-clicking it Fixes - Fixed crash when setting a hole length to zero followed by a non-zero length in drill plan editor ## Underground Manager 1.32 2019-04-17 Improvements - Added button for hiding the legend in the MWD detail graph view - Added hole selection by type to MWD log view - Added support for syncing data from RRA folders to a site. At this time, only round logs are synced, but other log files will be supported in upcoming releases - [Site 3D view] Camera "flying to target" when selecting tunnels - [Site 3D view] Added layer showing outline of drilled hole end points Fixes: - Fixed issue with false announcements of new versions in the news tab - Fixed problem with Team Server administration tool not starting up - Fixed problem with drill plan editor taking a long time to open when there are many contours - Fixed crash when trying to generate pdf charging reports - Fixed problem in drill plan editor with charge areas not being updated until the set/remove tool was activated - [Site 3D view] Fixed problem with data from other tunnels showing up when quickly switching between tunnels ## Underground Manager 1.31 2019-03-22 Improvements: - Added new site view - double click on a site to get a 3D view of the entire site. This feature is still in an experimental stage - Added support for importing water loss measurement (WLM) logs (accessible via the MWG tree node) Fixes: - Fixed occasional crash when opening the round log view ## Underground Manager 1.30.1 2019-03-20 Fixes: - Fixed crash when opening tunnels after importing sitx - Fixed crash when trying to import some versions of sitx files containing "dpgrule" and "dpgsubrule" - Fixed crash when deleting imported sites ## Underground Manager 1.30 2019-03-04 Improvements: - The tunnel table has been split into one tunnel definition table and one section table. In the definition table the actual tunnel line is specified, and in the section table, drill plans, camber, contours etc. can be assigned to a section (depth) in the tunnel. This change slightly affects the compression and validation features as well. For more details see "The tunnel view" in the manual, accessed from the Help menu. NOTE: The program option "Use 2D section validation" is now called "Use 2D section evaluation" and determines how sections are entered and displayed. - In bolt report images, hole lengths are displayed instead of hole id's Fixes: - Fixed crash when generating bolt reports, including images, in tunnels with a large number of holes - Tunnel validation performed also when exporting a tunnel to rig from a tunnel's context menu - Fixed inconsistencies when working with boom geometries and hole sequences in the drill plan editor - Fixed crash when dragging markers in profile log slicing report view - Fixed problem with migrating some databases during upgrade from UM 1.24 or earlier - Section table included in the tunnel line report - Fixed page orientation for round log reports - Fixed crash sometimes happening when deleting a big site - Fixed bug not being able to show connected contours in round log view ## Underground Manager 1.28 2018-12-06 Improvements: - Release notes of the latest version are displayed in the news tab when a new version is available Fixes: - Options in settings menu that were hidden below the lower edge of the window are now visible - Restored standard contours that were broken after database migration ## Underground Manager 1.27 2018-11-19 Improvements: - Lookout information has been added to the hole table section in Boomer round log report - Initial support for importing tunnels in LandXml format. The current implementation has the following restrictions: - Only the first tunnel line in the file is imported - Only the tunnel line coordinates are imported; any contours or other features are ignored - The tunnel line may only consist of curve and spiral elements - Cabletec MWD logs can be exported Fixes: - Warnings related to unfulfilled IREDES standard after importing MWD logs have been removed - Boom type column in Simba rig explorer view has been removed ## Underground Manager 1.26.1 2018-11-09 Fixes: - Fixed crash when opening tunnel 3D view ## Underground Manager 1.26 2018-11-05 Improvements: - In round log view, boom sequences are drawn with boom specific colors - Added tool tip for long log names in round log view info box - Immediate update when editing text blocks in drill plan editor Fixes: - Fixed rare crash when trying to generate hole reports from drill plan editor - Fixed not being able to set surface delay or detonators for non-reamer holes - Headers are now written (if configured) when exporting simba mwd file ## Underground Manager 1.25.2 2018-10-24 Fixes: - Can set detonator and surface delay for holes other than reamer ## Underground Manager 1.25.1 2018-10-18 Fixes: - Fixed 3D view crash ## Underground Manager 1.25 2018-10-17 Improvements: - New database engine. Database size limit is now 140 TB compared to the previous limit of 4 GB. Users may also experience a slight performance improvement. Fixes: - Sitx import view is closed as expected if the import fails ## Underground Manager 1.24.1 2018-10-02 Fixes: - In drillplan designer, fetch available rig geometries - In drillplan designer, update enable state for showing boom body and boom reach - Generate holes report in drillplan designer could make application crash ## Underground Manager 1.24 2018-09-17 Improvements: - Added "Length excluding bottom" to contour report - Adjusted file name column widths in import dialogs - More helpful error message when trying to import Simba/Cabletec MWD logs where the corresponding roundlogs are missing - When importing files, the user is prompted to select one of many files if there are conflicting ids Fixes: - Fixed freeze in graph view when showing tunnels with non-valid laser lines ## Underground Manager 1.23 2018-08-31 Improvements: - Holes now have a minimum visual diameter - In excel reports "N/A" is written instead of 0 when data is missing Fixes: - Fixed problem with MWD log names not showing up in the tree after import - Fixed crash when clicking "Close" in the MWD import's warning/error dialog - Fixed crash when reimporting MWD logs that were previously deleted from UM ## Underground Manager 1.22 2018-08-13 Improvements: - Added export and import of firing and charging items - A News tab with a download link will open if a new release was detected - Download link in check-for-updates message box is now clickable Fixes: - In the drill plan designer, the hole length precision was reduced to centimeters - UM no longer needs to be restarted in order to use newly created file templates ## Underground Manager 1.21 2018-06-29 Improvements: - Files name casing preserved when data is sent to rig (important for RCS 6 machines) - Support for Cabletec MWD - Support for Cabletec geometries - Support for specifying Cabletec angle definitions Fixes: - Fixed export of drill plan help lines - Fixed problem in drill plan editor with unmotivated line group breaks - Fixed problem with importing certain round logs - Site coordinate system should now be correct when importing old sitx files - Fixed incorrect hole types after importing boomer mwd files - Fixed crash when cancelling sitx import ## Underground Manager 1.20.1 2018-06-12 Fixes: - Fixed some problems with the new site import ## Underground Manager 1.20 2018-06-11 Improvements: - Users can now check for new updates of Underground Manager from within the application - Speedup of sitx import Fixes: - Included MWD parameter plugin information "Author/source" updated to say "Epiroc" - Fixed bug in drill plan editor that drill plan wasn't set to unsaved when editing hole sequence ## Underground Manager 1.19 2018-05-18 Improvements: - Added roung log report generation for Cabletec Fixes: - Non-navigated holes no longer presented in Word bolt report - Fixed crash when exporting cuts containing sequence lines - Fixed spelling errors and number formatting in Excel bolt report - Illegal characters replaced from default file name when exporting Excel bolt reports ## Underground Manager 1.18.1 2018-04-21 Fixes: - Fixed crash when only Cabletec rig family was selected in general options ## Underground Manager 1.18 2018-04-20 Cabletec rigs are now supported! Improvements: - Cabletec rigs can be added to a site - Cabletec drill plans can be imported, edited and exported - Cabletec round logs can be imported, viewed and exported - Custom coordinate system is supported for sites using Cabletec rigs ## Underground Manager 1.17.1 2018-04-13 Improvements: - improved performance in drill plan designer Fixes: - Fixed saving error while editing several drill plans simultaneously ## Underground Manager 1.17 2018-04-03 Improvements: - Camber is displayed in degrees ranging from -180 to 180 - Removed export of drill plans and round logs into non-Iredes formats on Simba rigs - Coordinate system not shown in site properties if Simba rig family is not set under general options - Hole id is now used instead of hole number ubiquitously - Irrelevant options in round log view are hidden on Simba rigs - Moved drill plan properties from context menu to drill plan editor Fixes: - Fixed tabbing error in drill plan designer - Fixed crash when restoring default MWD settings - Fixed issue with all "NotUsed" column headings disappearing if one was removed in file templates - Fixed switched Y and Z coordinates in bolt report - Camber is now displayed in degrees between -180 and 180 in tunnel view ## Underground Manager 1.16 2018-03-07 Improvements: - Hole types are now presented in MWD view also for Simba - Bolts in Word bolt report are now colored according to the color settings - Bolt reports can now exported to Excel format - Removed irrelevant information in Boltec round log view - Default color for undefined holes changed from white to black Fixes: - Fixed crash when trying to generate injection plan with inappropriate contours in drill plan editor - When importing drill plans and round logs, now lists the rig type from the file rather than showing what node the files are about to be imported to - Fixed intermittent crash upon site import ## Underground Manager 1.15 2018-02-12 Underground Manager rebranded in Epiroc style! Improvements: - In the link-fix-point view, tunnels are ordered by name - Importing a tunnel will also import contours and fix points in the same folder - User gets notified if saving a report fails Fixes: - Fixed alphabetical listing of contours in drill plan editor - In bolt report, all bolt types (including unnamed ones) are now listed - Fixed intermittent upgrade crash when upgrading from UM version 1.9 or earlier ## Underground Manager 1.14 2018-01-19 Improvements: - The MWD parameter "flush flow" was removed (it was never used) - Removed possibility to disconnect a drill plan from a round log (unnecessary) - Improved styling of bolt type listings in tunnel 3D view and bolt report view - In the drill plan editor, adding several holes at the same location by mistake (for example by double clicking) is prevented Fixes: - In the MWD import view, listing a folder with plenty of logs is much quicker than before - Fixed crash when attempting to set or remove a charge combination in the drill plan editor - Fixed crash happening when selecting folder for round log export was cancelled - Mouse coordinates in drill plan view no longer "gets stuck" when moving the mouse from one perspective to another ## Underground Manager 1.13.2 2018-01-19 Fixes: - When entering a floating number it's now possible to enter a decimal symbol. Affected are input fields when editing laser data amongst other input fields. This was a general problem. ## Underground Manager 1.13.1 2018-01-18 Fixes: - Tree object names can now be as long as 64 characters (as before) - Fixed crash when trying to generate drill plan from tunnel section - Empty text fields now show in english - Fixed crash that sometimes happened when updating to version 1.13 ## Underground Manager 1.13 2017-12-19 Improvements: - Added multi-export of profile logs - Drillplan name is now used as Iredes id when exporting. IMPORTANT: Quality logs from rigs working on a drill plan that was created in a previous version should be imported BEFORE updating UM or the logs might not automatically connect to its drill plan. After updating, drill plans should be resent to the rigs, replacing their old counterparts. This is primarily relevant for RCS4 rigs that generate quality logs to the old format (.log). Fixes: - Fixed crash on multi-export when missing file template - Fixed incorrect zoom in Simba rig geometry view - Large coordinate values are now completely visible in drill plan designer view - Fixed issue with holes with large coordinate values not showing up on 3D rotate view in drill plan designer ## Underground Manager 1.12 2017-11-29 Improvements: - Contour line types - wall, bottom and top - are now supported for imported contours in .tun-format Fixes: - Round log files with missing boom index are now defaulted to the first boom ## Underground Manager 1.11.2 2017-11-21 Fixes: - Fixed application freeze when trying to open the generate drill plan view ## Underground Manager 1.11.1 2017-11-16 Fixes: - Fixed issue with missing bolt holes in bolt report view - Added offline license support for Epiroc domains - Fixed incorrect number of visible holes in bolt report view - Added missing text resources - Fixed missing bolt type in bolt report view ## Underground Manager 1.11 2017-11-10 Improvements: - Support for exporting multiple contours has been added to the explorer view - It is now possible to filter based on bolt types in tunnel 3D and bolt report views - A contour reference point can now be defined in contour view, to faciliate interpolation - Bolt information can now be included in the round log report Fixes: - Fixed issue with missing bolt holes in section images in round log report - Fixed incorrect ordering of contour points on import - Fixed transform of contour points in iredes file export - Bolt holes are no longer visible outside section markers in bolt report view - Tilt and rotation are now displayed instead of lookout in hole info tab in Boltec round log view ## Underground Manager 1.10.3 2017-10-17 Fixes: - Fixed transformation (flipping y and z) of contours on IRedes file export ## Underground Manager 1.10.2 2017-10-13 Fixes: - Fixed slow startup of UM when run first time after install - Fixed crash (happening for some databases) on startup after updating UM ## Underground Manager 1.10.1 2017-10-12 Fixes: - Fixed team server database version mismatch ## Underground Manager 1.10 2017-10-12 Improvements: - Boom numbers are now listed in the MWD log view hole list - It is now possible to refresh the tunnel 3D view from within the view - A hole can now be selected by clicking anywhere on the line in the round log view - The coordinate system for Simba rigs has been moved to the site properties dialog, and is applied sitewide Fixes: - Boom numbers are now displayed correctly in the MWD log - Scroll bars have been added to the bolt report view and round log view to facilitate viewing on smaller screens - The MWD import dialog no longer shows a popup window for each MWD log without a matching round log ## Underground Manager 1.9 2017-09-15 Improvements: - File type choise is remembered until next time when exporting logs and drill plans - Profiler slice shown in round log view - In contour editor, a segment type can be set to "same as above" - The connect round log with a drill plan feature is moved from context menu to round log view - The connect round log with a rig feature is moved from context menu to round log view (Simba) - "Viewing mode" option removed from "Hole Types" tab in the round log view, replaced by "Undefined" hole type - Hole name column added as an option to the drill plan file template Fixes: - In the drill plan editor, the list of available contours are sorted by name - For round logs, changing the connected rig should transform the round log as expected ## Underground Manager 1.8 2017-08-10 Improvements: - Support for exporting multiple drill plans, quality logs, sites or MWD logs simultaneously Fixes: - In round log view, the bottom area polygon is now closed - Fixed texts in combo boxes in drill plan generation wizard ## Underground Manager 1.7 2017-06-27 Improvements: - Added "zoom-to-interval" to Bolt Report view - "Contour projection" can be selected for section images in Bolt Report - Simba MWD logs can now be exported using file templates - In round log view, an interpolated contour is shown if there is no contour connected to the round log section Fixes: - In round log view, hole positions are now in world coordinates - Fixed program freeze when running the team server on Windows 10 - Fixed some missing translations ## Underground Manager 1.6 2017-06-09 Improvements: - Possibility to specify path to where UM is to be installed - More information in round log information table - Full language names in language settings - Only valid contour data can be pasted into the contour editor - Only visible holes included in the hole table in round log report - MWD can be enabled for holes in simba drill plans - Visible and total number of bolt holes shown in bolt report view - Holes in round log can be filtered by depth Fixes: - Fixed bug not being able to connect to team server (still does not work on Windows 10) - Fixed support link in the about dialog - Fixed crash when importing site where MWD color ranges were missing for Simba - Fixed Swedish translation of hole types - Hole report is now in the selected language ## Underground Manager 1.5.1 2017-03-02 **This is an important service release. It addresses multiple stability issues introduced in 1.5.0.** Fixes: - Fix points was not imported, when importing a tunnel line in a RRA folder structure - Simba log points not showing when drilling In-the-hole (air) - Opening database connection settings crashed application - Opening tunnel import dialog crashed application - Selecting "Create standard contour..." crashed application - (Other not reported crashes when opening dialogs has been resolved) ## Underground Manager 1.5.0 2017-02-07 Improvements: - Hole number can now be optionally hidden in bolt report (TM-1469) - Visible bolt holes can be filtered by setting a depth interval (TM-1471) - Send data to rig dialog now pre-selects the linked drill plans in the tunnel line (TM-1563) - Round log explorer shows the links to the drill plan used ("Plan Id Reference" and "Plan Name Reference") when available (TM-1579) - Simba MWD log points support (TM-1585) - Simba round logs shows timestamp in explorer (TM-1589) - Multi select and export of round logs (TM-1594) - More robust tun parser implemented (contour import) - Simba Iredes MWD 1.2 support Fixes: - User settings are not hidden, when resizing tunnel 3D view (TM-1562) - Drill plans with same PlanId can no longer be imported. (Could cause the application to crash when opening a round log referencing the PlanId) (TM-1568, TM-1571) - Improved copy and paste support of text into tunnel table (TM-1564) - Out-of-memory issues resolved (TM-1572, TM-1584). - Installing Underground Manager versions side-by-side now works without repair (TM-1574, TM-1575) - Multi select in Explorer works as intended (TM-1577) - Export of Simba round log now includes StartHoleTime (TM-1593) - Shaft inclination shows correct value (TM-1597) - Fixed Simba hole report: sort order, angles and are using set culture (TM-1598) - Fixed bolt text report where the text did not match holes and logs correctly (TM-1609) ## Underground Manager 1.4.0 (N/A) No offical release has been made with this version, only incompatible beta releases. Stable upgrade path is from 1.3.0 to 1.5.0. ## Underground Manager 1.3.0 2016-09-09 Improvements: - "Layer" column removed from contour report - In the tunnel view, setting a section to a value outside the valid range will limit the value to the end sections - In the round log report, holes are sorted by hole number in a "windows explorer fashion" - Clicking the refresh button in the "generation drill plan from tunnel section" now causes the drill plan generation to update - In the drill plan editor, if the drill plan is connected to a rig, only the booms available on that rig is selectable - "Navigations" field removed from round log view - In the MWD mapping and slicing view, a rig type prefix is added to the entries in the parameters combo box - In the contour editor, the segment following to the currently selected contour point is highlighted - In the contour editor, copy-paste now includes segment types - In the contour editor, correction of radiuses is made by clicking a button rather than being applied directly upon editing - The contour file type template now includes the column "Type" Fixes: - Contour interpolation method improved and now better handles contours with ditches - Fixed crash when saving unsaved drill plan rules upon finishing drill plan generation - Fixed crash when generating profile log slicing report in the case where contour interpolation fails - Fixed untranslated string in drill plan rules save dialog ## Underground Manager 1.2.0 2016-08-26 Improvements: - Auto interpolation is used as default interpolation method throughout the application - Drillplan generation now supports backward orientation of the tunnel line - Default values for BUT35 added Fixes: - Lasers and cuts are imported when importing a tunnel ## Underground Manager 1.1.1 2016-08-17 Improvements: - Manual updated - In the drill plan generation wizard, the zoom in the cut placement view is adjusted when selecting a new contour Fixes: - Fixed crash when opening the license server dialog - Fixed crash when opening the fix points view - Drill plan rules node and all drill plan generation related items are turned on or off with the "Drill plan" option ## Underground Manager 1.1.0 2016-04-12 Improvements: - Added new drill plan generation tool - Added option to show Contour Projections in Bolt Report (Word report) - It is now possible to undo the rig system transformation of drill plans Fixes: - Round Log: Mouse cursor style now has consistent behaviour for all views that present visualization of the holes. - Sequence for the forth boom is now visible ## Underground Manager 1.0.10 2016-02-25 Improvements: - Displaying ReportId in explorer tree if round log has no section number - Displaying Section / ReportId instead of SectionNumber in round log tree tab header - Remove round log report options and update generate report icon for Simba - Area info is now hidden when viewing a Simba round log. - Round log hole is now deselected when clicking on an empty area. - Simba round log report now contains transformed start/end position differences. - Direction line in Mwd log tunnelview is not drawn when viewing a Simba Mwd log. - Removed lookout information in MWD tooltip for Simba. Added tilt and rotation. - Corrected unit on simba penetration rate. (m/min) - Added new predefined Simba rig model: S7C. - Added main window File -> Export option for round log Fixes: - Drilling start time in round report is now calculated correctly for Simba. - MWD logs can now only be imported one time. - Fixed crash when selecting copied line groups in drillplan editor. - Round time minutes could become 60 - Cannot add two rigs with the same serial number ## Underground Manager 1.0.9 2015-11-20 Fixes: - Database version is set to correct version (7) in client so that client and server are considered compatible ## Underground Manager 1.0.8 2015-09-18 Fixes: - Restart is no longer required between adding new entities and viewing round log for information to be consistent. - Drill plan and laser iredes plan id's are preserved (if not conflicting) when copying those entities between tunnels. ## Underground Manager 1.0.7 2015-08-12 Fixes: - Displays readable names instead of IDs in MWD and round logs - Laser direction is validated against lasers start and end section ## Underground Manager 1.0.6 2014-11-06 Fixes: - Holes along line are consistent for mirrored contours ## Underground Manager 1.0.5 2014-10-03 Fixes: - Laser view shows "At Face Point" when "Show Middle Point" is unselected. - More stable data handling internally, e.g. when saving or loading a site. ## Underground Manager 1.0.4 2014-06-13 Improvements: - Simba MWD support: Importing of Simba MWD Iredes format. Note: Before using Simba MWD the color settings must be reset. Navigate Tunnel Sites - Settings - MWD Parameters (Simba). Click "Restore Default Settings" - Round log view shows Simba metrics as hole information. - Round log report shows Simba metric. - Simba rig coordinate system shows the axis letters in the image. - Drilled holes in round log view are now purple. - When drill plan is saved, the explorer view is automatically refreshed - Simba hole number (hole id) and hole name are always displayed at hole end in drill plan designer, never hole start. - When creating a new help line in Drill plan designer it will snap to existing help lines. - Hole number and hole name are printed with white border in drill plan designer. - Alphanumeric hole numbers (hole ids) is supported for Simba. - Tunnel 2D view shows the tunnel line center point - Improved visualization of fixpoints on tunnel line - Contour left/right width is not exported when no contour is linked to tunnel section. Fixes: - All selected files are imported - Keep order of points in contour. - Mwd logs in import dialog is sorted by section, then by hole id, as in Tunnel Manager. - Contour is drawn with correct camber in 3D. - Improved memory management (avoid memory leak) in tunnel graph, 3D, MWD mapping, MWD slicing, laser view and drill plan designer. - "Drill Plan Id" and "Drill Plan Name" columns replaces "Drill Plan" column in explorer view for round logs. - A Simba drill plan not connected with a rig, activates the correct Simba functions in drill plan designer. - When exporting a log to a folder in Windows XP, the operating system does not lock the folder. - When selecting multiple holes in drill plan designer the common properties are shown in text boxes. - Tunnel 2D side view is visualized correct - The connected contour is not added to the name of the drill plan. - Solved crash problems related to import of Bever drill plan and tunnel line. ## Underground Manager 1.0.3 2013-11-05 Improvements: - Added support for Windows 8. Fixes: - Contour interpolation now handles contours with deep ditches properly. - Only parameters selected in Raiseboring MWD log view are shown in report. - Fix points with duplicate ids are skipped (with a warning) when importing fix points. - MWD log view no longer crashes when log has very short holes. - Contours in TUN-format with "tunnel centrum"-tag (TC) are now properly imported. ## Underground Manager 1.0.2 2013-09-02 Improvements: - Changed graph component used for Raiseboring in UM, this has changed the design for all affected graphs - Added option to show Raiseboring shaft as either a Pilot or Reaming hole - Added Raiseboring pipe change report, created from event logs - Greatly improved table generation in Word reports - Added option in Raiseboring MWD log view to show parameter data as normalized to more easily compare parameter values - Included MWD parameter names in header of Raiseboring MWD log report - Included shaft graph again in Raiseboring Shaft report, both shafts are shown if comparing two shafts - Tooltip in Raiseboring MWD log graph now shows date, parameter and unit instead of only X and Y - Added pipe identification to sample tooltip in Raiseboring Shaft view - Added descriptive text for Min valid value and Max valid value in MWD parameter settings - Data points in Raiseboring MWD log view are now also shown with points - Removed visualize inclination from Raiseboring Shaft view Fixes: - Fixed backwards compatibility with RCS 4 when using Send Data to Rig - Start and end date for Raiseboring MWD logs are now calculated correctly - Fixed Simba drill plan export to not export help lines when not selected on rig - Scrollbars in Raiseboring event log view are no longer hidden when sizing down the window - Removed incorrect mouse cursor when hovering over parameter color in Raiseboring MWD Log view - Y axis title in graphs are now hidden if data with different measurement units are shown at the same time - Print buttons for Status Log view and Time Utilization view are now properly greyed out if Word is not installed ## Underground Manager 1.0.1 2013-07-05 Improvements: - Added option to either show all tunnel lines or only active tunnel line in tunnel graph - Changed design for graphs in Raiseboring MWD-view and Time Utilization-view - Added possibility in Raiseboring MWD-view to show all MWD parameter values in percent, for easier comparison - Added option to compare a Raiseboring shaft to another shaft in the Shaft-view - Added Raiseboring pipe change report in Time Utilization-view - Added button to change direction of shaft in Raiseboring Shaft-view - Added pipe identification to Raiseboring Mwd Shaft sample tooltip - Clarified what rigs will show up in the rig selection box in the Production Report-dialog - The hostname/IP in the license server-dialog is now validated to have the correct format - Added icon to Connect With Rig option on Round Logs - The interpolation text box is now automatically focused when opening the interpolate section in Tunnel View - Removed Visualize Inclination in Raiseboring MWD graph-view Fixes: - Fixed so that when exporting a tunnel line using IREDES 1.2AC then the tunnel line references contours, drill plans, injection plans and bolt plans by their name instead of id - Fixed so that when exporting a Simba drill plan that has a connected rig then it will respect the show help lines setting on the rig - Robbins rig event log report now properly uses From/To-values set in event log view - Penetration Rate is now shown in meters/hour in Raiseboring MWD-view - Raiseboring Time Utilization chart now shows Unknown as No Logging - Fixed tooltip in Raiseboring MWD Log-view to show axis information instead of just X and Y - Fixed crash in drill plan designer that would occur when selecting holes of different types - Fixed broken validation of min/max values in Add/Edit MWD Parameter-dialog - Fixed crash that would occur when interpolating two contours that don't have the same number of points with a different algorithm than the Smart-algorithm - It's no longer possible to set a negative weight when adding/editing a primer - Only booms activated on a rig are shown in the connected drill plans - Fixed Raiseboring event log view not scaling properly when decreasing the window size - Fixed other minor drill plan designer graphical improvements - Fixed many minor license and selected feature related bugs ## Underground Manager 1.0 2013-05-22 Improvements: - User Manual updated for Underground Manager - Contour interpolation - Smart set as default method - Client and server database compatibility check - Machine type shown in rig view - Database no longer deleted during installation - Filename removed from "Send data to rig"-dialog - Checkboxes in options are now hidden for unlicensed features instead of disabled - Demo mode now available even if computer isn't on the Atlas network - Round log view - Show Drill Plan and Show Contour only enabled if the log has the related data - Error reporting now has a Copy to clipboard-button and an email address - Language list sorted in options - Rig families always listed alphabetically Fixes: - Error reporting only supports reporting the error when on the Atlas network - Fixed crash occuring if removing an MWD parameter while using the mwd mapping or slicing views - Sort by File Size in import dialog now working - UM and TM can now run on the same computer - Fixed incorrect UM local file location - Fixed bug in MWD view where View Mode wasn't set correctly - Fixed crash occuring when closing UM from the task bar and several drill plans were open - Fixed a couple of old texts containing "Tunnel Manager" - DPD editor no longer crashes if setting a negative value for lookout that is larger than the length of the hole - Fixed crash that could occur when deleting a site and dpd views were open - Fixed crash in tunnel view occuring when cell had invalid value and user tabbed to the end of the line - Fixed visibility of raiseboring status and event logs in the browser tree/explorer - Fixed incorrect error message shown when sending data to rig and the tunnel contained over 1000 sections - Can no longer set a negative density value for explosives - About dialog layout fixed so it looks correct for all languages - Fixed crash occuring if ALT+F4 was pressed when showing the splash screen during startup ## Tunnel Manager 1.0 Beta 9 (Underground Manager 1.0) 2013-04-29 Improvements: - Tunnel Manager renamed to Underground Manager - English language improvements - Simba coordinate system has been redone. - Improved preview-behavior in the drill plan designer. - Checksum calculations now works correctly for RCS 5 but not for versions prior to it. - MWD logs are now separated between Simba and Boomer in the tree. - It's now possible to add subfolders to the Contours-node and the Drill Plans-node. - Old database are now removed when installing new beta version. - Drill plan tree icon shows drill plan direction - Tunnel graph view shows drill plan direction - Tunnel 3D view - fixed default selection and order of options - Tunnel 3D view - possibility to draw lines between contours to simulate a tunnel - Drill plan editor - boom reach and boom body only shown if a rig is connected to the drill plan - Changing active features in options updates tunnel 3D and tunnel graph view correctly - Various improvements to the Send Data to Rig-dialog - Export now in Team Server admin gui shows how many sites that was exported - MWD mapping - colors refreshed automatically when changed - Better error handling for MWD mapping out of memory-issues (still not working 100% though) Fixes: - Non defined drill bit types are now set to "Others" and will not cause crashes when importing .sit-files. - Undefined holes are now showed in drillplans. - Profile log slicing view crash fixed - Fixed crash occuring if an offline license from an earlier version was used - Correct IRVersion set in exported IREDES 1.2AC .xml-files - Fixed preview-problems in "Insert from drill plan"-dialog - Fixed rare crash when setting surface delays - Fixed crash occuring when looking at MWD-hole and all values were filtered - Bolt report crash occuring when showing tooltip for a hole that has been deleted fixed - Levels removed correctly when disabling them in Site Properties - Error reporting working again ## Tunnel Manager 1.10 Beta 8 2013-03-27 Improvements: - Cut/Copy/Paste added as ribbonbuttons in drill plan designer - Hole number added as column in the drill plan file template - Performance improvements in all 3D-views - Performance improvements in the treeview - Tunnel Manager won't freeze when importing files and the user selects a folder with many files - MWD hole log filename in tooltip available both in hole list and when hovering over the hole in 3d view - Rig type added in MWD export - License server information more detailed - Treeview - expansion indicator only visible if the node contains child elements - Insert from drill plan - insert choices are remembered between insertions - Insert from drill plan - preview and other GUI improvements added - Language selection in the Team Server administration view - Name length validation for all items that has an IREDES export so the names cannot violate the IREDES standard - Progress bars added in various locations where it was needed - When adding charge combinations in the drill plan designer, if the list is empty a message is shown telling the user to add or import a charge combination. - Added missing dialog header in Surface Delay properties - Error reporting - various improvements/fixes Fixes: - Fixed crash that occured sometimes when copying large amounts of data - Export menu corrections - Fixed crash occuring when creating a standard contour with invalid values - Filtered points visibility corrected in profile log slicing view - Fixed crash occuring if a level was deleted when it contained areas and tunnels - Now possible to import a Simba and a Boomer MWD-log with the same hole and section number - Removed "undefined" as hole type when adding hole in drill plan designer - Fixed add holes along line-crash occuring when lines had zero length - Fixed crash when importing .sit-files containing unsupported bit types - Fixed empty menu that could appear when right clicking in the tree view - Round Log view - long info texts are not cut off - Bolt report color view updated when colors are copied from another site (fixes crash) - Text size slider now working in profile log slicing print dialog - License key state "cached" even if a license key poll fails - this avoids crashes if TM tries to access the key after an unsuccessful poll. The application will still be shut down after the application license timeout expires. - Reconnections to a NetRockey if the connection has been lost won't fail anymore - Fixed so messages during startup cannot be hidden by the splash screen - Fixed confusing Set Surface Delay-button behavior when no surface delays were placed - Tunnel tooltip cleared correctly if tabbing away from the tunnel graph ## Tunnel Manager 1.10 Beta 7 2013-03-08 Improvements: - Drill plan designer now allows the user to change hole properties before the hole is placed. - When adding a standard contour, the entered values is saved and loaded the next time the dialog is used. - Added unit to the x-axis of MWD log view for raiseboring. - Added error reporting service to TM. This service catches errors and show a nice dialog, allowing the user to report the errors to Atlas Copco. - When adding injection plan in the drill plan designer, it is now possible to exclude the floor. - Improved handling of translations of names. - Removed the possibility to export sites to sitx 1.6. - When installing a beta, the user is informed to export all existing sites before installing a new version, the database file is then removed during the installation. - Improved drawing of fixpoints and showing of tooltip in the tunnel graph view. - The contour view now displays a menu when right clicking in the data grid, allowing the user to add, delete and paste data. - It is now possible to display deviation for the maximum, minimum and selected point in profile log slicing. - When entering rig id in rig view, the rig id is now auto-formatted with spaces. - In drill plan designer, it is now possible to import holes and lines from other drill plans. - The "Add cut hole" button has been removed. (Replaced by the import feature above.) - In tunnel 3D view, it is now possible to display holes from drill plans and round logs with the selected hole type colors. - Rotation with the mouse in all 3D views has been improved, allowing the user to rotate the view as expected. - The drill plan designer now unselected the rotation button in the 3D view when another button is selected. - If Microsoft Word isn't installed, all report buttons are disabled. Fixes: - Central database: TM no longer crash for site owner when an other user requests a takeover. - When a contour is connected to a drill plan it is now shown in the correct direction in the drill plan designer. - TM no longer crashes, in the tunnel view, when a cell in the bottom row is selected and "Interpolate Contour" is pressed. - TM no longer crashes when a selected section in the tunnel graph view is deleted, and "Refresh" is pressed. - TM no longer crashes when deleting all sections in a tunnel while the tunnel graph view is opened, and "Refresh" is pressed. - Fix for application license lost for local Rockey. - Fix for crash when switching language. - TM now closes the connection to the license server when the application is closed. - Fix for Boomer drillplans and MWD-logs not showing when some options were selected, and some weren't. - In rig view, fixed validation issues. - In rig view, the path textbox is now updated when browsing for a new path. - Deleting a rig that is connected to a round log no longer crashes TM. - Fixed odd behaviour, in some cases, when creating a fan in the drill plan designer. - No longer possible to rename MWD-logs in the tree. - TM no longer crashers when expanding a tunnel in the tree when only Boltec is selected in the options. - The license server settings dialog is now properly translated. - Fixed blurry icons in the explorer view. - The progress bar dialog can no longer be closed by pressing Alt-F4. - The import site dialog can no longer be closed by pressing Alt-F4. - The connection lost dialog, when using central database, can no longer be closed by pressing Alt-F4. - Fixed that the delete menu item in the data grid context menu wasn't always enabled when it should, in the tunnel view. - Fixed failure when exporting tunnels to IREDES 1.0 format. - Fixed pasting of decimal values in contour view. - Fixed crash when cutting and pasting MWD-logs between sites. - TM no longer crash when selecting a new row in the contour table while a cell is invalid. - Fixed crash in tunnel view, when pressing "Interpolate new section" when only two rows were in the table, and one row wasn't saved. - TM no longer crash when deleteing a site after the Interpolate contour interaction control has been open. - The orientation arrow in some 3D views now correctly displays in front of the models if it is located between the viewport and the model. - Fixed that some controls had the wrong initial zoom in some rare cases. - Fixed crash when pressing the back button in the delay table of the drill plan designer, when no delays were present. - Fixed validation error for MWD/MWG export dialog. - TM no longer crash when swithing to an open drill plan designer window using the Window menu. - Fixed using fixed grid size in the drill plan designer. - When using fixed grid size in the drill plan designer, the 3D view now uses fixed grid size too. - Entity properties are now udated properly in the drill plan designer. - In the create standard contour dialog, the T-contour no longer has two custom presets. ## Tunnel Manager 1.10 Beta 6 2013-02-14 Improvements: - Option dialog shown on first startup. - Rig serial and RCS version stored on MWD hole instead of MWD log. - Separate tree nodes for Simba and Boomer MWD logs. - Fix point "height" check when autolinking. A warning appears if two (or more) fixpoints in the same tunnel have the same height (±3cm). - Information popup when hovering over adjacent tunnel lines in the tunnel graph view. - MWG log export (IREDES). - "Brush width" only shown where applicable in the drill plan designer. - Rig view: Functionality for specifying the coordinate system for a Simba rig. - Rig view: Support for setting the coordinate system for a Simba rig by importing it from database.txt. - Context menu option for connecting a Simba round log to a Simba rig. - Round log view updated when connecting a rig to the round log. - When connecting a round log to a rig the round log is converted to the coordinate system specified for the rig. - Sending drill plans to a rig converts the drill plan according the the coordinate system specified for the rig. - Progress bar when exporting sites from Team Server adminstration. Fixes: - 3D view: Too long laser lines no longer crashes TM. - Profile log slicing: Blocked possibility of setting invalid plate thickness values by clicking outside the textbox. - Fixes for application crashes when the computer sleeps/hibernates/is locked. - Round log import "rig family" column displays the rig family from the log and not the rig family that the log is being imported to. - Fix points hidden correctly in the tunnel graph view when deselected in the view options. - Rockey Ry_Read errors when using license server fixed. - Fixes for timeouts occuring when importing large sites. - Fixed incorrect OK/Cancel-button behavior in the warning dialog that appears when exporting TM 1.6 SitX-files and the site contains elements incompatible with 1.6. - Installation fixes, in certain cases the components weren't installed correctly and/or restarts were not made as needed. - Starting an instance of Team Server 1.10 while the 1.9 service is running no longer causes the service to fail. - Central database: The clipboard is now cleared correctly when closing a site or when a site is taken over. ## Tunnel Manager 1.10 Beta 5 2013-01-25 Improvements: - Removed GUI buttons for adding custom parameters to other rigs than Boomer since they were misleading. - Replaced web-address in about dialog. - Improved the ruler tool in the drill plan designer. - It's no longer possible to add surface delays to holes without a detonator. - The old drill plan generation option is now hidden when working with Simba. - It's now only possible to start the application on developer- and/or Atlas computers or using a licensekey with the 1.10 option. - Renamed "matched" to "connected" when manually connecting drill plans to round logs. - Team server site take over timeout is now configurable from the administration GUI. - Added option for displaying x and y coordinates at the mouse cursor in the drill plan designer. - It's no longer possible to run multiple instances of the same version of the application. - Added button for testing availability when adding/editing connection to central database. - Username character limit increased from 8 to 50 characters. - Added ability to run backup manually from the Team server administration view. - Removed "Use connection" button from central server connection view, connection is selected when selecting its row. Fixes: - When deleting a site the explorer view stayed open with data from the site which would crash the application when interacted with. - Fixpoints would sometimes display as unlinked even after linking them. - MWD 3D-view would sometimes crash when hovering over the end of a hole. - Charge combination list did not update correctly sometimes. - Holes in the drill plan designer are now marked correctly when selecting them in the delay table. - Application no longer crashes when trying to auto link fixpoint to a site without fixpoints. - When matching round log with drill plan the round log view is now refreshed automatically. - Team Server Administration would crash due to a assembly dependency. - MWD 3D-view no longer crashes when the holes are really long. - More validation in MWD mapping settings to prevent crashes. - Can now save server settings when the backup directory is invalid if backup is disabled. - Application no longer crashes when clicking the email-link in the about box without a default mail client in windows. - Improved stability of the Round Log import dialog. ## Tunnel Manager 1.10 Beta 4 2012-11-20 Improvements: - Improved stability of Bolt Report and MWD Mapping views. - Round Log view no longer shows and calculates using undrilled holes, but they are still available when exporting. - Added option for using a header for File Templates. Fixes: - MWD Mapping now properly draws the correct resolution and fully covers holes. - Fixed various small texts in the Drill Plan Designer. - Added missing email address, fixed support address and made links clickable in about-dialog. - Fixed MWD mapping not drawing in high quality. ## Tunnel Manager 1.10 Beta 3 2012-10-29 Improvements: - Improved handling of multiple connected license-keys (both network and local) to find one with a TM license. - Increased performance while using offline license. - Added possibility to change delay on a surface delay block without deleting and adding a new one. - Added support for custom MWD parameters for MWD-filetemplates. ## Tunnel Manager 1.10 Beta 2 2012-10-08 Improvements: - Performance improvements in drill plan designer. - Language defaults to english if no other translation is found. - Better documentation for licensing. - Easier to see which licens you are running. - Improved look and feel when zooming in profile log view. - It's now possible to select between 2D or 3D validation of tunnel line. - Added options in tunnel graph for hiding all or unlinked fixpoints. - Mwd shaft log is now easier to understand even when the drill depth is large. - The brush cursor in drill plan designer indicates if it's a additive or subtractive action. - When simulating a sequence in the drill plan designer the sequence is recalculated when removing a hole from the sequence. - When missing a translation for a phrase the english translation will be displayed. - When editing MWD range color settings the preview bar is updated accordingly. - The print dialog does not reset the position and zoom when changing printer. - Editable colors now get highlighted when hovering over them with the mouse cursor. - Improved selection of Mwd holes in the Mwd view. - It's now possible to connect surface delays by draging and dropping. - It's now possible to select a distance to the contour line when generating injection holes. - New dialog for matching round log with drill plan. - New dialog at application startup to help the user identify environmental problems. - It's now possible to change the brush size in the drill plan designer. - It's now possible to use the old way of generating drill plans. - When setting detonators in the drill plan designer you can now use SHIFT+TAB to select the previous detonator. - When working with surface delays in the drill plan designer, SHIFT+TAB selects previous surface delay. - Added possibillity to show whole page in drill plan designer print dialog. - In Mwd slicing you can now click on tunnel line and jump to that section. Fixes: - The list of drill plan detonators are now included again in the "Graphical Drillplan Report". - Robbins are now hidden if Mwd option is deselected in options. - Selected entity in drill plan designer no longer gets deselected upon maximizing the application window. - Tunnel line view is no longer zoomed out incorrectly. - Some minor cosmetic fixes affecting icons in the applicaiton. - Generated reports opened in Microsoft Word are no longer hidden behind the application. - Tooltip and data view in the Mwd view is now displayed correctly even when "Show unmarked holes" is selected. - It's no longer possible to add detonators or surface delays to reaming holes. - Bolt report no longer crashes when generating multiple images and "from" is larger than "to" with "selected interval" selected. - When adding a laser while the tunnel view is open it's no longer needed to reopen the view for the laser to appear. - MWG log no longer fails when opening dialog in release mode. - When adding a detonator from the detonator family dialog the first textbox now gets focus. - When the contour-option is deselected in View/Options, the interpolation-icon in the tunnel view is now hidden. - Sometimes using the spacebar to activate the move action did not work in the tunnel graph.